To achieve real success in the industry, we’re going to have to work smarter, not harder; prioritising productivity.
Productivity growth in the construction industry over the last 30 years lags behind other industries by 25%, according to the Australian Constructors Association. They argue that, even once borders open, skilled migration won’t be a solution to the problem. Instead, to achieve productivity improvements, the focus must be on increasing the efficiency of processes, prioritising high-value activities and derisking processes.
Sector Strength
Chair of Infrastructure Australia, Juliaeanne Alroe, agrees. In the 2021 Australian Infrastructure Report, released in August this year, she highlighted three areas that would be a strategic focus across all sectors. One of these is driving a step change in productivity and innovation in the industry. An infrastructure industry that is highly productive, efficient, effective, prepared and confident is an essential part of creating a stronger Australia over the coming decades.
So how do we innovate? Infrastructure Australia has identified a number of priorities:
- Harnessing technology and digitisation to grow new industries and drive service improvements. It’s time for the industry to transition from ‘digital by exception’ towards ‘digital by default’.
- A collaborative approach between government and industry to design and incentivise best practice processes, improve culture and drive long-term innovation.
- Addressing the regulatory and procurement practices that result in workforce inefficiencies and limit the productivity of the existing workforce, as well as a range of cultural, geographical, diversity and education issues that constrain the sectors’ ability to rapidly grow its workforce.
Connecting your company
At Infrastructure People, we are uniquely positioned to deliver on the sector’s productivity priorities. We can connect your company with technical specialists who will move you into a newly digitised future. Our vast database and extensive network contacts are built on collaboration, meaning we are always striving to break down barriers within the industry. And we can help you address workforce inefficiencies by thinking outside the box, finding the right staff for the right jobs without being constrained by the traditional limitations of the industry. We work smarter so you can too.
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